Officer Safety Alert

Out of Wichitita Falls Texas
Armed Kidnapping Suspect.....Suicide by Cop Threat
Police News
The vehicle rolled over, stopping in the middle of the highway, according to the report.
Deputy Stevens could not stop in time after spotting the overturned vehicle. The collision killed Terry and his passenger, 27-year-old Amberly McKenzie Hunnicutt.
Deputy Stevens and a ride along who was also in the cruiser were taken to a hospital as a precautionary measure and later released.
Wayne Co. Sheriff's Office Sgt. Josh Kruger, 34, was injured and the man he was trying to capture was killed after the deputy's cruiser and the man's car collided in Jesup on 10/8/12.
Major Disaster Declaration number 4174 issued Tue, 04/29/2014 - 00:00 Arkansas Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding 04/29/2014 01:04 AM EDT

"Don't train to survive,
train to dominate."

Kevyn Major Howard, ''Rafterman'' from Stanley Kubrick's blockbuster film Full Metal Jacket, challenged himself in 2007 to name just one Hero that had died for his freedom. ''I was watching the nightly news as they announced that 12 died this day and 7 that day'', Kevyn said. ''I woke up one morning and challenged myself to name just one person who has died for my freedom'', he continued. ''I couldn't.''So Kevyn decided to do something about it. He started the Fueled By The Fallen, a 501(c)3 non-profit. Kevyn enlisted the expertise of Chuck Spiker, a lifelong drag racer and former National Go Kart Champion, to create a memorial that would get the attention of all Americans. ''The reason we chose race cars is because you can get the attention of a two year and a ninety-two year old with one'', Kevyn said. Chuck took a 1963 Nova and created a 10 second quarter mile door slammer drag car representing fallen Marines from Iraq and Afghanistan. ''Maybe I can get people who look upon the race car to remember just one name. If I can do that, I have accomplished my mission'', Kevyn continued.